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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Dr. Gemarilis González is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Gynecology. She emphasizes in her profession care in the areas of obstetrics, infertility and cosmetic gynecology.

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Dr. Melchor Rivera is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Geriatrics. In his profession, he emphasizes care in the areas of general geriatrics, palliative care and home consultation. 

Dr. Lee Anne Gómez is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Geriatrics. In her profession, she emphasizes care in the areas of general geriatrics and home consultation. 

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Dr. Dalila Mirones is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Dermatology. In her profession, she emphasizes care in the areas of general dermatology and dermatological surgery. 

Dr. Reynaldo Arosemena is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Dermatology. In his profession, he emphasizes care in the areas of general dermatology and dermatological surgery. 

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Dr. Diana Tejada is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Dermatology. In her profession, she emphasizes care in the areas of general dermatology, acne, skin cancer, among other diseases.  

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Dr. Gloriela Archbold is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Dermatology. In her profession, she emphasizes care in the areas of adult and pediatric dermatology and skin surgery. 

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Dr. Karen Zapata is a Panamanian doctor specializing in dermatology. In her profession, she emphasizes care in the areas of comprehensive dermatology, laser and cosmetics.

Dr. Roger Vega is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Coloproctology. He emphasizes in his profession care in the areas of general surgery, advanced laparoscopic surgery and coloproctology.

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Dr. Joseph Setton is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Plastic Surgery. He emphasizes in his profession attention to the areas of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. 

Dr. José Agustin Espino is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Plastic Surgery. He emphasizes in his profession attention to the areas of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. 

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Dr. Vania Barrow is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. In her profession, she emphasizes care in the areas of oncological dentistry and maxillofacial prosthetics. 

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Dr. Enzo Cano is a Panamanian doctor specializing in oral and maxillofacial surgery. He emphasizes in his profession attention in the areas of dental implants and oral rehabilitation. 

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Dr. Olivia El Achtar is a Panamanian doctor specializing in oncological surgery. She emphasizes in her profession care in the areas of general and laparoscopic surgery. 

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Dr. Patricia Wong is a Panamanian doctor specializing in general surgery. In her profession, she emphasizes care in the areas of general, laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery.

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Dr. Alejandro Yuil is a Panamanian doctor specializing in general surgery. He emphasizes in his profession care in the areas of general, laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery.

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Dr. Jan Cubilla is a Panamanian doctor specializing in gastroenterology. He emphasizes in his profession attention in the areas of internal medicine and performing endoscopy.  

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Dr. Jorge Che Enseñat is a Panamanian doctor specializing in peripheral vascular surgery. He emphasizes in his profession care in the areas of angiology and vascular surgery and trauma. 

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Dr. Jorge Che Enseñat
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Dr. Alexander Romero is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Cardiology. He emphasizes in his profession attention in the areas of cardiology and echocardiography.

Dr. Martha Martínez is a specialist in dermatology. She emphasizes in her profession care in the areas of dermatology for children and adults, clinical dermatology and cosmetics. 

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