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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Dr. Sheila Sánchez Chen is a specialist in Dermatology. She emphasizes in her profession care in the areas of general dermatology for adults and children, cosmetic dermatology and laser. 

Dr. Konstantinos Tserotas is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Gynecology and Obstetrics. In his profession, he emphasizes care in the areas of Endocrinology, Menopause and Perimenopause, and also in Robotic Surgery or Robot-Assisted Surgery.

Dr. Edgar Oscar Avilés is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Cardiology. He emphasizes in his profession care in the specialized areas of cardiology and echocardiography. 

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Dr. Maritza López is a specialist in Ophthalmology. In her profession, she emphasizes care in the areas of Ophthalmology, Ophthalmological Surgery and Laser. 

The contents of this blog correspond to documents of an informative and legal nature in SaludPanama.com

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