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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Dr. Giovani Gordón is a Panamanian doctor specializing in Gynecology and Obstetrics. He emphasizes in his profession care in the areas of Gynecology, Pregnancy Control and Ultrasounds. 

3rd Trimester Ultrasound Demonstration

3rd Trimester Ultrasound Demonstration

Dr. Giovani Gordon, specialist in Gynecology and Ob...

  553 Visits
Gynecological Examination: What is it and what happens during this process?

Gynecological Examination: What is it and what happens during this process?

A gynecological examination is a medical evaluation that is carried out ...

  2681 Visits
What happens at the Gynecology appointment?

What happens at the Gynecology appointment?

The Gynecology consultation is the moment of meeting and...

  4361 Visits
Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a condition that is diagnosed...

  5868 Visits
Obesity and Pregnancy

Obesity and Pregnancy

Obesity, a silent pandemic of our time,...

  8035 Visits
Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Most women will gain between 20 and 35 pounds...

  9805 Visits
Recurrent Abortions

Recurrent Abortions

When a couple has experienced three or more abortions within...

  12596 Visits
Threatened abortion

Threatened abortion

Dr. Giovani Gordon, specialist in Gynecology and Ob...

  13684 Visits
Bleeding in the 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy

Bleeding in the 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy

Continuing with his complete series of topics in Gynecology...

  16966 Visits
Bleeding in the 1st Trimester of Pregnancy

Bleeding in the 1st Trimester of Pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy is a moment of great joy...

  18511 Visits
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Whether there is more profuse bleeding, or longer...

  19955 Visits
Let's talk about Dysmenorrhea

Let's talk about Dysmenorrhea

Pain in the uterus that occurs during menstruation...

  20712 Visits
Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy is one of those topics that...

  23921 Visits
What is the Climaterium?

What is the Climaterium?

Dr. Giovanni Gordon, specialist in Gynecology and O...

  27062 Visits
First Trimester Ultrasound

First Trimester Ultrasound

Dr. Giovani Gordon is a specialist in Gynecology and...

  30861 Visits
Cervical Cytology or Papanicolaou

Cervical Cytology or Papanicolaou

 The Cervical Cytology or Papanicolaou test...

  31118 Visits

Dr. Giovani Gordon

Dr. Giovani Gordón is a specialist in Gynecology...

Professional data

    • Panama
    • The Panama Clinic
  • B/.80.00.
  • Gynecology and Obstetrics.
  • -Gynecological consultation.
    - Pregnancy control.
    - Pregnancy ultrasound.
    - 3D pregnancy ultrasound.
    - Gynecological ultrasound.
    - Cervical cytology (PAP).
    - Colposcopy.
    - Fetal monitoring.
  • +507 310-9910.
  • +507 6611-1099.
  • The Panama Clinic, tower A, 10th floor, office 1003.
  26913 Visits
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