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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Dr. Omán Jiménez is a Panamanian doctor specializing in cardiovascular surgery. He emphasizes in his profession care in the areas of general, laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery.

Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris

Any sudden, unexplained pain is an immediate cause...

  5614 Visits
What is a Cardiovascular Surgeon?

What is a Cardiovascular Surgeon?

For when it's your turn to ask yourself the question: What is a cir...

  8822 Visits
Dr. Omán Jiménez

Dr. Omán Jiménez

Dr. Omán Jiménez is a specialist in Carcinoma Surgery...

Professional data

    • Chorrera
    • Mae Lewis Medical Center
  • B/.100.00.
  • Cardio Surgery.
    Minimally invasive surgery.
    General Surgery and Laparoscopy
  • - Structural cardiac pathologies: ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, thoracic aorta, arrhythmia surgery.
    - Chest surgery.
    - Minimum invasive surgery.
    - Vascular and hemodialysis access.
    - Venous pathologies of the legs (varicose veins and spider veins).
    - Arterial pathologies of the lower limbs.
    - Venous and arterial ulcers.
    - Pelvic congestive syndrome.
  • +507 775-4202 / 777-8000 / 775-7099.
  • +507 6671-2234 / 6461-5557.
  • Mae Lewis Hospital, office 305 / Chiriquí Hospital / Cattán Hospital Clinic / Panama City: The Panama Clinic, Pacifica Salud Hospital, Paitilla Hospital, San Fernando Hospital and National Hospital.
  12134 Visits
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