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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Impact of Flat Feet on Sports and Exercise

Impact of Flat Feet on Sports and Exercise

Flat feet can have a significant impact on the...

  1750 Visits
Bunion or Hallux Valgus and its Treatments in Panama

Bunion or Hallux Valgus and its Treatments in Panama

The Bunion or Hallux Valgus, also known as...

  4969 Visits
The impact of heels on foot health

The impact of heels on foot health

High heels are a common fashion choice, but...

  5192 Visits
Heel spur

Heel spur

The heel spur is a calcium deposit in the bone...

  7520 Visits
Dr. Orlando Díaz

Dr. Orlando Díaz

Dr. Orlando Díaz is a specialist in Orthopedics and Trau...

Professional data

    • Panama
    • The Panama Clinic
  • B/.80.00.
  • Orthopedics and Traumatology, Foot and Ankle Surgery.
  • - Treatment of fractures and sprains.
    - Reconstructive foot and ankle surgery.
    - Management of deformities, bunions, flat feet, claw toe.
    - Management of degenerative diseases.
    - Advice and prevention.
  • +507 310-9921.
  • +507 6857-1860 / 6615-5795 / 6274-0635 / 6379-2321.
  • The Panama Clinic, tower B, floor 21, office 2109 / Town Center Costa del Este, Torre Palmeras, floor 4, office 457 / ProCare Clinic (Marbella) / Ortopedic Plus Clinic (Penonomé) / San Fernando Coronado Hospital.
  7930 Visits
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