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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Osteoarthrosis and Osteophytes

Osteoarthrosis and Osteophytes

Osteophyte is not a disease as such, it is part of...

  3923 Visits
Shock Wave Treatments by JMA Orthopedics and Traumatology

Shock Wave Treatments by JMA Orthopedics and Traumatology

Dr. Luz Quirós Sinisterra is a specialist in Medicine...

  4415 Visits
Pain in the Extremities

Pain in the Extremities

Pain in the Extremities can be caused by multiple...

  6105 Visits
Dr. Luz Quirós Sinisterra

Dr. Luz Quirós Sinisterra

Dr. Luz Quirós Sinisterra is a specialist...

Professional data

    • Panama
    • Pacific Health East Coast
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
  • +507 310-2834.
  • Town Center Costa del Este offices, Arboleda tower, 5th floor, office 5031.
  7486 Visits
Dr. Tomás Vásquez Polo

Dr. Tomás Vásquez Polo

Dr. Tomás Vásquez Polo is a specialist in Ortho...

Professional data

    • Panama
    • Pacific Health East Coast
  • Orthopedics and Traumatology of adults and children.
  • +507 310-2834.
  • Town Center Costa del Este offices, 5th floor, Arboleda tower, office 5031.
  7737 Visits
JMA Orthopedics and Rehabilitation

JMA Orthopedics and Rehabilitation

JMA Orthopedics and Rehabilitation is a family business...

Professional data

    • Panama
    • Pacific Health East Coast
  • $80.00
  • Orthopedics, Traumatology, Pain Management and Rehabilitation.
  • 1. Medical care in the specialties of Orthopedics-Traumatology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    2. Electrodiagnostic Studies: Nerve conduction, Electromyography, Somatosensory evoked potentials
    3. Orthopedic surgeries and musculoskeletal trauma
    4. Pain management
    5. Treatment with Focal Shock Wave and Radial Pressure Wave
    6. Rehabilitation and reconditioning programs
  • +507 309-2462.
  • Town Center Costa del Este offices, 5th floor, Arboleda tower, office 5031.
  7397 Visits
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