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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Reference Drugs vs. Interchangeable Drugs

Reference Drugs vs. Interchangeable Drugs

The concepts "Innovative Medicine", "Generic Medicine...

  4348 Visits
Minor Symptoms That Can Be Managed in Pharmacy

Minor Symptoms That Can Be Managed in Pharmacy

The relationship between patients and their pharmacists is...

  17471 Visits
Chronopharmacology, Time-Governed Pharmacology

Chronopharmacology, Time-Governed Pharmacology

Milagros Cubilla is a Pharmacist, specialist in oncology...

  32290 Visits
Lic. Milagros Cubilla

Lic. Milagros Cubilla

Milagros Cubilla is a Pharmacist with a clinical specialty...

Professional data

    • David
  • B/.35.00.
  • Pharmacy, Oncology and Palliative Care.
  • - Medication schedule according to the patient's needs and their care.
    - Identification of potential pharmacological interactions.
    - Design of compliance plans.
    - Advice on storage of medicines in spatial situations.
    - Drug-therapeutic monitoring.
  • +507 6473-1251.
  25932 Visits
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