Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama
Currency and Payment Method
About the Currency Used for Transactions on the website: is a commercial website, property of Panasalud, SA, a company duly established in the Republic of Panama. On our website all economic transactions will be carried out in United States Dollars or USD. The same value in Balboas, the official currency of the Republic of Panama, applies to all transactions. However, for banking and accounting purposes, all transactions will be made in USD.
On the page, all transactions will be made using only two payment methods, which will be available at each payment point, depending on the option that assigns to said payment point. These payment options will be:
A. Payment by Bank Transfer or "Online Banking": The transaction process will be conditioned on the consumer or client making payment through an electronic bank transfer. At each point of sale, the bank details that must be used to make the transfer will be reported and thus continue with the purchase process.
B. Online Credit Card Payment: The processing of transactions will be conditional on payment through our secure online credit card payment system. online credit card payment processing services are provided by Credicorp Bank. Our transactions are 100% secure, and the information of our consumers, once the transaction is completed, does not include storage of their credit card data or payment preferences.
C. Payment by Yappy: This payment method can be used from October 2021.
D. Cash payments: does not accept cash payments of any kind.
E. Payments in Cryptocurrencies: could accept payments in Cryptocurrencies, depending on the amount of the transaction and the type of cryptocurrencies to be used. Contact us at 263-5287 to request more information.
NOTE: Each item for sale on our website will include all payment methods. If the consumer has problems with the payment methodology, they must use our contact section to inform us of said problem, so that we can help them resolve it.
If you have questions about any of our payment methods, please contact us by calling 263-5287.
Last Update: 31 January 2023