Dr. Giovani Gordon

Dr. Giovani Gordón is a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics in Panama City, serving in his offices, by appointment, for comprehensive women's health care.

Professional data

    • Panama
    • The Panama Clinic
  • B/.80.00.
  • Gynecology and Obstetrics.
  • -Gynecological consultation.
    - Pregnancy control.
    - Pregnancy ultrasound.
    - 3D pregnancy ultrasound.
    - Gynecological ultrasound.
    - Cervical cytology (PAP).
    - Colposcopy.
    - Fetal monitoring.
  • +507 310-9910.
  • +507 6611-1099.
  • The Panama Clinic, tower A, 10th floor, office 1003.
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