Dr. Carlos Rebollón

Dr. Carlos Rebollón is a specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology in Panama City and treats, by appointment, cases of orthopedics, sports medicine, injuries and related services.

Professional data

    • Panama
    • The Panama Clinic
  • Orthopedics, reconstructive surgery of the shoulder, elbow and sports injuries.
  • - Arthroscopy of the shoulder, knee and elbow.
    - Rotator cuff injuries.
    - Shoulder prosthesis.
    - Fracture management.
  • +507 310-2866 / 306-3382.
  • +507 6090-8815 / 6973-3074.
  • The Panama Clinic, tower B, 23rd floor, office 2315 / National Orthopedic Center. National Medical Center, ground floor.
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