Bad breath or gallbladder disease

Bad breath or gallbladder disease?

Sometimes a particularly strong bad breath, not always...

Gynecological Examination: What is it and what happens during this process?

Gynecological Examination: What is it and what happens during this process?

A gynecological examination is a medical evaluation that is carried out ...

Discover the Secret of Hyaluronic Acid to Improve your Female Intimacy

Discover the Secret of Hyaluronic Acid to Improve your Female Intimacy

Treatment with hyaluronic acid in the intimate area...

What happens at the Gynecology appointment?

What happens at the Gynecology appointment?

The Gynecology consultation is the moment of meeting and...

Postpartum Abdominal Wall Sagging

Postpartum Abdominal Wall Sagging

The muscles and tissues of the abdominal wall undergo...

The impact of heels on foot health

The impact of heels on foot health

High heels are a common fashion choice, but...

Subdermal contraceptive implant or CHIP

Subdermal contraceptive implant or "chip"

Dr. Roberto Lewis, specialist in Gynecology and Obs...

Sport and Menstrual Cycle

Sport and Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is a natural physiological process that...

The 4 stages of osteoporosis

The 4 stages of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common disease that affects...

The Importance of the PAP or Papanicolaou

The Importance of the PAP or Papanicolaou

The Papanicolaou (Pap) test helps detect early...

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Most women will gain between 20 and 35 pounds...

Luksenburg System for Urinary Incontinence

Luksenburg System for Urinary Incontinence

The Luksenburg system is a non-intensive treatment method...

Vaginismus: Therapeutic treatment in sexual dysfunctions

Vaginismus: Therapeutic treatment in sexual dysfunctions

Lic. Sara Herrera from SAHEBA Therapy talks to us about...

Endometriosis, with Dr. Nestor Ureña

Endometriosis, with Dr. Nestor Ureña

Dr. Nestor Ureña, specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology...

Threatened abortion

Threatened abortion

Dr. Giovani Gordon, specialist in Gynecology and Ob...

Bleeding in the 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy

Bleeding in the 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy

Continuing with his complete series of topics in Gynecology...

Bleeding in the 1st Trimester of Pregnancy

Bleeding in the 1st Trimester of Pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy is a moment of great joy...

Psoriasis What is it? Share on my networks:

Psoriasis What is it?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that...

How should I prepare to get pregnant?

How should I prepare to get pregnant?

For Dr. Leyvis Domínguez, she is a specialist in Gynecology...

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Whether there is more profuse bleeding, or longer...

Cron task starts