Vaginal infections are a very common condition, especially in a country like Panama, mainly characterized by having a hot and humid climate. However, it is not only climate and humidity that cause vaginal infections. There are certain feminine habits that can lead to the development of this common condition. spoke with the doctor specializing in gynecology and endocrinology Konstatinos Tserotas about these habits, their complications and management, as well as the prevention measures that women can put into practice to avoid vaginal infections.
"Vaginal infection is characterized by having some or all of the following symptoms: discharge, burning, itching, irritation, odors and inflammation", Explica.
According to Tserotas, there are various types of vaginal infection, the most common being those called Candidiasis, which is an infection caused by fungi; Trichomoniazis, which is produced by a protozoan; and Gardnerella or Bacterial Vaginosis, which is caused by bacteria.
"Both Candida and Gardnerella live normally in the vagina, but kept under control by vaginal lactobacillus, which are 70% of the total and produce a slightly acidic environment"says Tserotas.
Other infectious agents are streptococci and staphylococci, viruses such as herpes and papilloma, parasites such as scabies and lice. There are also environmental factors such as the excessive use of tight clothing, poor hygiene, the use of clothing made of synthetic fibers and certain chemicals such as soaps, intimate perfumes, feminine sprays and bubble baths.
Among the habits that cause vaginal infections are:
1.- Use of tight clothing: Since there is no adequate ventilation in the intimate area, excess humidity is produced, which raises the local temperature. If you do not have adequate hygiene, it encourages the appearance of fungi.
2.- Use of synthetic fiber underwear: Synthetic fibers such as nylon do not absorb the moisture that originates in the area, thereby creating a favorable scenario for the appearance of fungi.
3.- Hair removal: Pubic hair, regardless of whether it is pleasant or not, has a purpose: to protect the vulvo-vaginal area. It is the barrier to prevent further contamination in this delicate area.
4.- I do not change sanitary pads or tampons on time: Changing tampons or sanitary pads depends on the amount of blood present during menstruation. In the case of the tampon, it should be changed at least every 6 hours, while the towel at least 2 or 3 times a day. The vagina is a natural cavity that needs a certain opening so that there is a constant flow of secretions that are generated inside. In the case of towels, depending on the material, they can cause irritation and lead to the generation of humidity, which is counterproductive.
5.- Excessive external washing: Excessive cleaning can destroy the vagina's own flora, which is responsible for defending it against infections (bacterial or fungal), causing dryness.
6.- Vaginal douches repeatedly and without indication: Douching can cause infections by disturbing the normal balance of organisms in the vagina. And if you already have an infection, they can make it worse or spread upward to the reproductive area, or mask the symptoms of a vaginal infection, making it more difficult to diagnose.
The gynecologist points out that vaginal infections can occur at any time in a woman's life, but that during menopause they appear more easily due to atrophy due to a lack of hormones.
Regarding the symptoms and signs, Tserotas explains that all infections are irritated and itchy, and are accompanied by secretions that vary according to the type of infection. Candidiasis is accompanied by a whitish discharge; while Trichomoniazis has a slightly grayish and foamy secretion, and Gardnerella has a gray, liquid and bad-smelling secretion.
"By seeing it, one knows, more or less, what the causes of the infection are. However, the diagnosis is actually made by taking a drop of secretion, which is placed on a slide with saline solution, which allows the identification of any of the 3 types "Gardnerella is confirmed by adding a drop of KOH (potassium hydroxide), which results in a specific odor," the specialist points out when referring to the diagnosis.
Tserotas indicates that there are no serious consequences if diagnosed early and treated appropriately. Yes, there are cases in which the lack of treatment can bring important complications, such as the case of Bacterial Vaginosis, which exposes women to greater ease in the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and threats of abortion during pregnancy.
"All these infections can be prevented and it is basically hygiene, good habits (not tight clothing, cotton underwear) and not mistreating the skin with hair removal," precise.