If I have pain in the pelvis, do I suffer from endometriosis? The answer is no, women suffer from pelvic pain very commonly, unfortunately they are labeled with the diagnosis of endometriosis very lightly, which represents a series of problems of diagnosis, management and stress for the patient in the long term.
Most pelvic pain is intestinal pain, constipation problems, or malabsorption. In the second category are urinary problems, and both are very common in women. In the third category, pain that is related to gynecological aspects begins, and one of them is endometriosis.
An interrogation and a precise and updated physical examination can make the difference and not be left with a diagnosis of endometriosis without suffering from it.
By Dr. Konstantinos Tserotas
Specialist in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Gynecological Endocrinology
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