Spinal health is essential for our mobility and overall well-being. Proper supplementation can play a crucial role in the recovery and prevention of spinal problems. In this episode of SaludPanama, Dr. Gamaliel González, specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology and Spine Surgery, presents some key insights on how supplementation can influence spinal health.
Importance of supplementation
The spine needs a variety of nutrients to stay strong and healthy. Among the most important are calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is essential for strengthening bones, including the vertebrae, while vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium in the body.
Role of physical activity and exercise
In addition to supplementation, physical exercise is crucial to maintaining spinal health. Activities such as yoga and Kegel exercises can help strengthen pelvic floor muscles and improve posture.
Preventing Recurrence
For those who have undergone spinal surgery, proper supplementation can help prevent recurrence. Maintaining a healthy weight and following post-operative recommendations is also essential.
About Dr. Gamaliel Gonzalez:
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