Dr. Karen Miller and Dr. Reynaldo Arosemena - The Ideal Office Exists

The Arosemena Miller Dermatology Clinic opened its doors in March 2020, coinciding with the dates of confinement and closure due to the covid-19 pandemic. Despite this complex obstacle when starting work, doctors Dr. Karen Miller, Dermatologist and Mohs Surgeon, and Dr. Reynaldo Arosemena, Dermatologist Surgeon, seem very satisfied with the results obtained by their brand at the Town Center Clinics.

"How could I not love Town Center if there is parking all the time, it is located in a strategic point and it also offers me activities so that whoever is accompanying the patient can do something else, whether it is going to the movies, to a restaurant, doing shopping, and in general finding everything you may need in one place," shares Dr. Karen Miller very enthusiastically, who also comments that the development of her business, since it is located in Consultorios Town Center, is not a matter of future but something that happens every day. "We started with one office, and now we have three," Dr. Miller points out about her facility.

For his part, Dr. Reynaldo Arosemena also feels satisfied and optimistic with his investment in Consultorios Town Center. "How do we see ourselves in 5 years? We have really grown significantly over these years and we will definitely continue to grow," says Dr. Arosemena.

Phone: 308-0112
Instagram: @cda_pty
Website: cda.com.pa/es/ 

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