Good newsIt is a great honor and privilege for Salud Panamá magazine to present a new member in the fight against cancer in our country. This is the Oncology Center of Panama SA (COPSA). The Panama Cancer Center, an institution committed to the timely diagnosis, treatment and comprehensive management of cancer, including chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, monoclonal antibodies, targeted molecular therapy, and palliative care.
COPSA was born as a brand with the intention of centralizing efforts with the objective that every medical company should place as its #1 priority, the health and well-being of its patients. This objective is met through personalized attention focused on the needs of the patient and her family, directed by a highly specialized team with the experience required for this purpose.
And when we talk about a cancer center we are not only referring to the provision of medical services, but also to the support of the patient with the empathy that is required to face their illness. For a patient diagnosed with cancer, every scientific knowledge, update in new technologies, experience and trajectory that can be made available counts in a dramatic and essential way. This is a patent reality at COPSA, which is a center that participates in multicenter international clinical trials phase I, II, III and IV, thus helping to generate new information and alternatives for cancer patients, always meeting the requirements. bioethics required by local and international regulatory agencies.
The equipment you want to have close Brought together by a common interest in science and the desire to deliver higher quality care, COPSA medical specialists are consolidated as a team and offer a more complete list of services to their patients including medical oncology outpatient consultation, clinical hematology, palliative, clinical research, chemotherapy and oncological pharmacy, which has the highest standards in biosafety for the patient, the environment and the personnel who prepare cytotoxic drugs.
A promise of quality care Being a comprehensive center that not only provides services to cancer patients, but is also part of the development of new drugs. COPSA is now part of the solution in the fight against cancer. We congratulate this new company and its founders for bringing to Panama a new option for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer for all Panamanians.
Multidisciplinary team
Dr. Omar Castillo Fernández
Internal Medicine - Medical Oncology.
Focused on diagnosis, treatment and
solid tumor clinical research
Dr. Maria Lim Law
Internal Medicine - Medical Oncology.
Focused on diagnosis, treatment and research
solid tumor clinic
Dr. Cristiane Martin Palacios
Internal Medicine - Medical Oncology.
Focused on diagnosis, treatment and research
solid tumor clinic
Dr. Mario Alberto Guardia
Internal Medicine - Medical Oncology.
Focused on diagnosis, treatment and research
solid tumor clinic
Dr. Lilian Haydée Montano
Specialist in Family Medicine - Palliative Care.
Focused on comprehensive patient care
and his family.
Dr. Alexis Pinto
Internal Medicine-Clinical Hematology - Bone marrow transplant.
Focused on the diagnosis of diseases
of the blood.
Via Simón Bolívar and Ave. Frangipani, Santa Fé Hospital, Third Level,
Offices 46 and 47. Tel: +507 227-4733, ext. 172 | Paitilla Medical Offices, 1st floor,
Office 128. Tel: +507 206-2594