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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama


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We produce Healthy Content and the protagonist is...

New Minimed Hospital with Mr. Carlos Llanos, General Manager of MINIMED

New Minimed Hospital with Mr. Carlos Llanos, General Manager of MINIMED

The new Minimed Hospital opens its doors and Mr. ...

3rd Trimester Ultrasound Demonstration

3rd Trimester Ultrasound Demonstration

Dr. Giovani Gordon, specialist in Gynecology and Ob...

Gestational Diabetes with Dr. Leyvis Dominguez

Gestational Diabetes with Dr. Leyvis Dominguez

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs in women...

IVI Panama

IVI Panama

At IVI Panama, our more than 15 years of experience and...


IVI Panama: Fertility and Assisted Reproduction Clinic

Meet IVI, the Fertility and Reproduction Clinic in Spain...

Impact of Flat Feet on Sports and Exercise

Impact of Flat Feet on Sports and Exercise

Flat feet can have a significant impact on the...

Fear of Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures

Fear of Cosmetic Dermatology Procedures

Dr. Karen Miller, a dermatology specialist at the University of...

Let's take care of our heart

Let's take care of our heart

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of...

Warning Signs and Basic Care for Newborns

Warning Signs and Basic Care for Newborns

Dr. Andrés López is a Pediatric Neonatologist, and he talks to us...

Inguinal Hernias with Dr. Alexander Murillo Varanovskaia

Inguinal Hernias with Dr. Alexander Murillo Varanovskaia

Minimally invasive laparoscopic approach for ...

Breast Biopsies: What They Are and When They Are Necessary

Breast Biopsies: What They Are and When They Are Necessary

Dr. César Díaz is a specialist in Oncologic Surgery...

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