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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Main care to have a successful pregnancy

Main care to have a successful pregnancy

Planning a pregnancy? This video is for you! The D...

Smile, a new technique for laser vision correction

Smile, a new technique for laser vision correction

Good vision is essential for everything. From our...

From the Operating Room with Dr. Leticia Ruíz

From the Operating Room with Dr. Leticia Ruíz

As always, on the shoulders of giants. Today with Doc...

Virtual Magazine: Postcards from Paradise

Virtual Magazine: Boquete, Postcards from Paradise

SaludPanama magazine, Edition 43, shows us &n...

Pacifica Health - Hospital Costa del Este

Virtual Magazine: Pacifica Salud, Costa del Este Hospital

SaludPanama magazine, Edition 44, tells us about...

Virtual Magazine: 10 years of Robotic Surgery in Panama

Virtual Magazine: 10 years of Robotic Surgery in Panama

SaludPanama magazine, Edition 45, presents hand in hand...

34 years of the Chiriquí Hospital

Virtual Magazine: 34 years of the Chiriquí Hospital

SaludPanama magazine, Edition 45, presents hand in hand...

Virtual Magazine: Amari Coworking Clinic

Virtual Magazine: Amari Coworking Clinic

SaludPanama magazine, Edition 48, introduces the concept...

Virtual Magazine: The Ideal Office Exists

Virtual Magazine: The Ideal Office Exists

The offices with the most benefits in Panama adorn...

6 aspects that will help you recognize testicular cancer

6 aspects that will help you recognize testicular cancer

According to figures from the World Health Organization...

Pigeon pea Benefits

Benefits of pigeon pea

Pigeon pea is a legume with which you can prepare...

Benefits of Shrimp

Benefits of shrimp

Shrimp is an excellent source of selenium that neutralizes...

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