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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

8 reasons why intermenstrual bleeding should attract your attention

8 reasons why intermenstrual bleeding should attract your attention

Intermenstrual vaginal bleeding is called intermenstrual bleeding...

Care: Cavities in Baby Teeth

Care: Cavities in Baby Teeth

When we refer to cavities, the image we see...


KAM Orthopedic & Care

Kam Orthopedic & Care offers quality care in...

NUX Laboratory in Panama City

NUX-LAB Clinical Laboratory in Panama

Presenting a different, young, impressive Clinical Laboratory...

Stages of children's oral health. To do?

Stages of children's oral health. To do?

 AChoonThe appearance of the first two teeth, the...

Spinal hygiene: postural exercises

Spinal hygiene: postural exercises

There are many factors that influence whether a person...

What is Spinal Hygiene?

What is Spinal Hygiene?

The orthopedist and specialist in Minimal Spine Surgery...

Gynecology and Robotic Surgery

Gynecology and Robotic Surgery

Robot-Assisted Surgery or Robotic Surgery is one...

Clogged Ear Sensation with Dr. German Conte

Clogged Ear Sensation with Dr. German Conte

 One of the most viewed topics on our Y channel...

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome

Dr. Jan Axel Cubilla is a specialist in Gastroenterology...

Contraceptive methods that we have in Panama

Contraceptive methods that we have in Panama

In Panama we have a high range of anti-confidence methods...

Dr. German Conte reaches 1 million video views on YouTube

Dr. German Conte reaches 1 million video views on YouTube

The video "Clogged Ear Sensation", featuring Dr....

Cron task starts