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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Who was in the magazine? Video With @Lorenadas

Who was in the magazine? Video With @Lorenadas

The best part of our magazine is finding out which...

Diabetic retinopathy: Sugar also damages eyesight

Diabetic retinopathy: Sugar also damages eyesight

Diabetic retinopathy is the diabetic eye disease...

Is pain in the pelvis a symptom of endometriosis?

Is pain in the pelvis a symptom of endometriosis?

If I have pain in the pelvis, do I suffer from endometriosis? The...

Signs of aging in the hands

Signs of aging in the hands

The most noticeable signs of aging in our...

Skin care as part of our health

Skin care as part of our health

Taking care of our skin is part of our Health. ...

The 4 stages of osteoporosis

The 4 stages of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common disease that affects...

Feminine Intimate Hygiene

Feminine Intimate Hygiene

Dr. Néstor Ureña, specialist in Gynecology and Obste...

Psoriasis What is it? Share on my networks:

Psoriasis What is it?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that...

How to take care of our joints?

How to take care of our joints?

We forget about our joints even though they are...

How long does the effect of botulinum toxin last?

How long does the effect of botulinum toxin last?

One of the most frequently asked questions in consultation...

What is the cruciate ligament?

What is the cruciate ligament?

Do you have doubts about the health of your knees? Dr. Miguel...

Learn about uterine fibroids

Learn about uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids, also known as fibroids, are...

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