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Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Benefits of using exfoliant

Benefits of using exfoliant

Do you use Exfoliant? How many times a week? The Doctor...

What is presbyopia?

What is presbyopia?

 Presbyopia is a refractive error that diff...

Use of Ice on the Face as an Anti-Aging Factor

Use of ice on the face as an anti-aging factor?

Ice and face! Dr. Sheila Sánchez Chen, specializing...

Diabetes in Children

Diabetes in Children

Dr. Liliana Neil is a specialist in Pediatrics and End...

First Contact Mom - Baby

The importance of the first contact between mother and baby

That first contact between baby and mother is unique. For us...

About SaludPanama

About SaludPanama

About us? We are a production and publishing company...


Dr. Maritza López

Dr. Maritza López is a specialist in Ophthalmology and...

Dr. Ariane Abrego

Dr. Ariane Abrego

Dr. Ariane Abrego is a specialist in Dermatology and...

Licda. Sara Herrera

Licda. Sara Herrera

 The Licda. Sara Herrera is a specialist in Fi...

Dr. Gamaliel González

Dr. Gamaliel González

Dr. Gamaliel González is a specialist in Orthopedics and...


Dr. Carlos Duque

Dr. Carlos Duque is a specialist in Urology in...


Dr. Adelys Castillero

Dr. Adelys Castillero is a specialist in Urolo...

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