Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Dr. Roberto Lewis

Dr. Roberto Lewis

Dr. Roberto Lewis is a specialist in Gynecology and O...

Medicine and Health Podcast in Panama

Medicine and Health Podcast in Panama

 Did you know that Panama has one of the podcasts...

New design in LinkTree

New design in LinkTree

By @Lorenadas The links page...

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Most women will gain between 20 and 35 pounds...

Luksenburg System for Urinary Incontinence

Luksenburg System for Urinary Incontinence

The Luksenburg system is a non-intensive treatment method...

Dad's Vlog

Dad's Vlog

In times when a healthy life goes beyond...

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlargement...

Dr. Omán Jiménez

Dr. Omán Jiménez

Dr. Omán Jiménez is a specialist in Carcinoma Surgery...


SEMINAR: "Comprehensive Approach to Patients in Primary Care"

The Waynakay Movement and the Panamanian Association of Medi...

Vaginismus: Therapeutic treatment in sexual dysfunctions

Vaginismus: Therapeutic treatment in sexual dysfunctions

Lic. Sara Herrera from SAHEBA Therapy talks to us about...

Dr. Jenniffer Wittgreen - The Ideal Office Exists

Dr. Jenniffer Wittgreen - The Ideal Office Exists

Dr. Jenniffer Wittgreen is a Pediatric Pulmonologist, and di...

Meningioma: challenges and opportunities in the fight against this brain tumor

Meningioma: challenges and opportunities in the fight against this brain tumor

Introduction Meningiomas are brain tumors that...

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