Content Proudly Published by the Doctors of Panama

Breastfeeding, a topic for everyone

Breastfeeding, a topic for everyone

By: Victoria Ward, Regional Director of Save the Chile...

Recurrent Abortions

Recurrent Abortions

When a couple has experienced three or more abortions within...

What is a Rotator Cuff injury?

What is a Rotator Cuff injury?

A rotator cuff injury consists of a tear...

Injuries in Paddle

Injuries in Paddle

As in all high impact sports and above all...

COMEDSA: 20 years serving Panama

COMEDSA: 20 years serving Panama

The COMEDSA Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Center...

Endometriosis, with Dr. Nestor Ureña

Endometriosis, with Dr. Nestor Ureña

Dr. Nestor Ureña, specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology...

Threatened abortion

Threatened abortion

Dr. Giovani Gordon, specialist in Gynecology and Ob...

15 years of the Medellin Health City Cluster

15 years of the Medellin Health City Cluster

Recently the Medellín Health City Cluster celebrated 1...

Termatalia: Turning water into progress

Termatalia: Turning water into progress

Originally published in SaludPanama Magazine, Edition...


Dr. Francisco Sousa-Lennox - The Ideal Office Exists

Dr. Francisco Sousa-Lennox works at Dental One, a...

Dr. José Manuel Ríos Yuil - The Ideal Office Exists

Dr. José Manuel Ríos Yuil - The Ideal Office Exists

Dr. José Manuel Ríos Yuil serves a wide range...

Dr. Karen Miller and Dr. Reynaldo Arosemena - The Ideal Office Exists

Dr. Karen Miller and Dr. Reynaldo Arosemena - The Ideal Office Exists

The Arosemena Miller Dermatology Clinic opened its doors...

Cron task starts