Breast Cancer, Genetics and Lifestyle

Breast Cancer, Genetics and Lifestyle

Dr. Omar Castillo Fernández is a specialist in Oncology...

  11226 Visits
The Real Treatment of Obesity

The Real Treatment of Obesity

Dr. O. Alejandro Martínez is a specialist in Surgery...

  12764 Visits
Port-A-Cath Chemotherapy Catheter

Port-A-Cath Chemotherapy Catheter

Dr. César Díaz, specialist in Oncologic Surgery, ...

  11877 Visits
Psoriasis What is it? Share on my networks:

Psoriasis What is it?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that...

  46102 Visits
Gestational Diabetes with Dr. Leyvis Dominguez

Gestational Diabetes with Dr. Leyvis Dominguez

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs in women...

  13919 Visits
Bad breath or gallbladder disease

Bad breath or gallbladder disease?

Sometimes a particularly strong bad breath, not always...

  66553 Visits
Inguinal Hernias with Dr. Alexander Murillo Varanovskaia

Inguinal Hernias with Dr. Alexander Murillo Varanovskaia

Minimally invasive laparoscopic approach for ...

  14282 Visits
Breast Biopsies: What They Are and When They Are Necessary

Breast Biopsies: What They Are and When They Are Necessary

Dr. César Díaz is a specialist in Oncologic Surgery...

  14779 Visits
Hernias After Abdominal Surgery

Hernias After Abdominal Surgery

Hernias that appear after surgery, known as hernias, are...

  13852 Visits
Inguinal Hernias with Dr. Alexander Murillo Baranovskaia

Inguinal Hernias with Dr. Alexander Murillo Baranovskaia

Inguinal hernias occur when part of the intestine...

  13987 Visits
Osteoarthrosis and Osteophytes

Osteoarthrosis and Osteophytes

Osteophyte is not a disease as such, it is part of...

  15769 Visits
Hand Injuries

Hand Injuries

Carpal tunnel syndrome, fractures, tendonitis, ost...

  16924 Visits
Shock Wave Treatments by JMA Orthopedics and Traumatology

Shock Wave Treatments by JMA Orthopedics and Traumatology

Dr. Luz Quirós Sinisterra is a specialist in Medicine...

  16793 Visits
Robotic Surgery with Dr. Leticia Ruíz

Robotic Surgery with Dr. Leticia Ruíz

Robotic Surgery or Robot-Assisted Surgery has...

  16202 Visits
What are Arrhythmias? With Dr. Alexander Romero

What are Arrhythmias? With Dr. Alexander Romero

Dr. Alexander Romero, specialist in Cardiology of...

  15568 Visits
What are kidney stones? with Dr. Armando Byer

What are kidney stones? with Dr. Armando Byer

Dr. Armando Byer, specialist in Urology from Panama...

  15858 Visits
ROBOTIC SURGERY: Benefits for the patient

ROBOTIC SURGERY: Benefits for the patient. With Dr. Leticia Ruíz

Robotic Surgery or Robot-Assisted Surgery applies...

  16610 Visits
Tonsils and Adenoids

What are Tonsils and Adenoids?

The tonsils and adenoids are part of the lymphatic system...

  43337 Visits
Bunion or Hallux Valgus and its Treatments in Panama

Bunion or Hallux Valgus and its Treatments in Panama

The Bunion or Hallux Valgus, also known as...

  17181 Visits
Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris

Any sudden, unexplained pain is an immediate cause...

  17456 Visits
Cron task starts